09/12/2024 |
Antwerp Declaration dialogues : industrial electrification |
Electricity |
20/10/2024 |
Consultation DEmand Response Network Code |
Electricity |
15/02/2024 |
ACER Consultation on electricity prices coupling algorithm methodology |
Electricity |
06/02/2024 |
European Resource Adequacy Assessement 2023 |
Electricity |
06/02/2024 |
ACER consultation : Removal of barriers to Electricity Demand Response |
Electricity |
08/01/2024 |
NEMOs : consultation on auctioning system |
Electricity |
04/12/2023 |
Electricity Market Design (EMD) - statement of the Alliance of the Energy Intensive Industries |
Electricity |
25/09/2023 |
ACER Consultation on Demand Connection |
Electricity |
21/09/2023 |
ACER Consultation on Network code on Requirement for Generators |
Electricity |
21/09/2023 |
ACER Consultation on harmonised Allocation rules proposed by TSOs |
Electricity |
21/09/2023 |
ACER Consultation on Network code on Requirement for Generators : explanatory memo |
Electricity |
15/09/2023 |
ACER Consultation on cross-zonal capacities and electricity trade |
Electricity |
03/04/2023 |
Guarantees of Origin for Renewables |
Electricity |
13/02/2023 |
Public Consultation: Revision of the EU’s electricity market design |
Electricity |
13/02/2023 |
Electricity Market Design: Commission consultation on reform to support a clean and affordable energy transition |
Electricity |
21/09/2022 |
IFIEC Europe answer to the CORE CCR - Proposal for 1st amendment of the Methodology for splitting long-term cross-zonal capacity in accordance with Article 16 of FCA Regulation |
Electricity |
02/08/2022 |
Public consultation - Framework Guideline on Demand Response |
Electricity |
20/10/2021 |
Joint statement: Affordable renewable energy is the lifeblood of the European energy-intensive industries |
Gas & Electricity & Climate |
10/05/2021 |
Alliance letter to VP Timmermans on increasing system efficiency in ‘Fit for 55’ Package through active participation of end-users |
Electricity |
16/12/2020 |
Contribution to EU Evaluation and Impact Assessment of the F-gas Regulation |
Electricity |
21/09/2020 |
Contribution to ACER consultation on Methodology for regional operational security coordination, redispatching and countertrading for the Core capacity calculation region |
Electricity |
27/07/2020 |
ACER consultation on the statutory documents of the future EU DSO entity |
Electricity |
03/06/2020 |
Contribution to EC consultation on preparing a future EU strategy on energy sector integration |
Climate & Gas & Electricity |
27/05/2020 |
Response to ACER consultation on draft methodologies for assessing European resource adequacy, value of lost load, cost of new entry for generation or demand response and reliability standard |
Electricity |
14/05/2020 |
Contribution to EC consultation to establish priority list of network codes |
Electricity |
27/04/2020 |
Comments on EC draft paper on SF6 and alternatives in electrical switchgear and related equipment |
Electricity |
30/01/2020 |
Response to ENTSO-E consultation on proposal for VoLL, CONE and Reliability Standard Methodology |
Electricity |
13/01/2020 |
Response to ENTSO-E consultation on Mid-term Adequacy Forecast 2019 |
Electricity |
23/06/2017 |
IE_Main suggestions on the Clean Energy Package |
Efficiency & Electricity |
06/07/2016 |
IE Comments on The Interim Report of the Sector Inquiry on Capacity Mechanisms |
Electricity |
30/05/2016 |
IE_Position on Demand Side Flexibility |
Electricity |
09/02/2016 |
IE Response to EC Consultation on Preparation of Renewables Energy Directive II |
Electricity & Climate |
12/10/2015 |
IE response to EC Consultation on a New Energy Market Design |
Electricity |
13/05/2015 |
IFIEC Europe-press release on website relaunch |
Gas & Electricity & Climate |
12/06/2014 |
Energy Forum 2014- WP Electricty – P Claes (IFIEC Europe) |
Electricity |
05/06/2013 |
Energy Forum 2013- Electricity Session – I Bernaerts (DG Energy) Electricity |
Electricity |
05/06/2013 |
Energy Forum 2013- Electricity Session – J P Jebsen (Norsk Hydro) Electricity |
Electricity |
05/06/2013 |
Energy Forum 2013- Electricity Session – P Claes (IFIEC Europe) Electricity |
Electricity |
29/04/2013 |
IE Response to EC Consultation on Environmental & Energy Aid Guidelines 2014-2020 |
Electricity |
20/02/2013 |
IE response to Commission’s Consultation on Generation Adequacy – Press Release |
Electricity |
07/02/2013 |
EC Consultation on Generation Adequacy |
Electricity |
19/06/2012 |
Energy Forum - Capacity mechanisms – presentation by P. CLAES ( IFIEC Europe ) |
Electricity |
19/06/2012 |
Energy Forum - The ENTSO – E experience – presentation by D. DOBBENI ( ENTSO – E ) Electricity |
Electricity |
08/05/2012 |
Title IE Position on Capacity Payments |
Electricity |
29/02/2012 |
Electricity Market Coupling response |
Electricity |
22/11/2011 |
Electricity Market by P. CLAES chairman of the Working Party Electricity |
Electricity |
20/09/2011 |
Electricity Grid Operational Security Electricity |
Electricity |
16/09/2011 |
Fundamental Electricity Transparency |
Electricity |
15/07/2011 |
CEER power exchange response Electricity |
Electricity |
10/06/2011 |
ACER capacity allocation response |
Electricity |
30/12/2010 |
Electricity Market Design and Integration |
Electricity |
10/11/2010 |
Response to ERGEG's CACM for electricity consultation Electricity |
Electricity |
28/10/2010 |
IFIEC Europe & CEFIC response to ERGEG Transparency in Electriciity consult |
Electricity |
10/09/2010 |
Response to the ERGEG Smart meter consultation |
Gas & Electricity |
28/04/2010 |
Response to the CEER Consultation on Generation Adequacy Treatment |
Electricity |
25/02/2010 |
IFIEC Europe response to the ERGEG Ten Year Electricity Network Development Plan |
Electricity |
14/12/2009 |
A "target model" on market integration from the perspective of industrial energy consumers - Florence Forum, Rome 10-11.12.09. Presentation by Dr Hans Gruenfeld, President of IFIEC Europe |
Electricity |
22/09/2009 |
Energy Forum 2009 - presentation by Mr Daniel DOBBENI President of ENTSO - E |
Electricity |
30/06/2009 |
Response to the Draft Guidelines on Electricity Grid Connection and Access ( E08-ENM-09-03 ) |
Electricity |
16/03/2009 |
ERGEG Balancing Mechanism response Electricity |
Electricity |
30/12/2008 |
Response to the ERGEG Consultation on Implementing the Thirs Energy Package |
Electricity |
10/11/2008 |
11 ERGEG ERI Converg final 10 11 08 |
Electricity |
10/11/2008 |
IFIEC's response to ERGEG Consultation on Regulation 1228/2003 - Compliance Monitoring Second report, 10 September 2008 Electricity |
Electricity |
04/11/2008 |
Address to ENEF III, Bratislava 04.11.08 by Dr Hans Gruenfeld, president of IFIEC Europe Electricity |
Electricity |
31/10/2008 |
IFIEC Position Paper on Nuclear Power Electricity |
Electricity |
21/10/2008 |
IFIEC Europe comments ERGEG document of October 6th on " Guidelines of Good Practice on Grid Connection and Access Electricity |
Electricity |
25/06/2008 |
IFIEC responds to the ERGEG consultation paper on " Draft Guidelines of Good Practice for Operational Security |
Electricity |
21/05/2008 |
ETSO consultation on 10.04.08 - Interim report on congestion management - IFIEC Europe' s response |
Electricity |
08/01/2008 |
IFIEC Europe's position on the Commission's "Third Package" proposal for legislative measures to improve the internal electricity market |
Electricity |
04/11/2007 |
Improving Electricity Supply Security across Europe - Press release Electricity |
Electricity |
31/10/2007 |
Position Paper on ERGEG ERI - CEE "Report on Transparency" Electricity |
Electricity |
12/10/2007 |
IFIEC Europe responds to ERGEG Consultation on the "ERI Convergence and Coherence Report" |
Electricity |
29/06/2007 |
IFIEC responds to the ERGEG Consultation Paper on " Guidelines for Good Practice on Fonctional and Informational Unbundeling |
Electricity |
28/06/2007 |
How best to complete the Single European Market for Energy - speech of Mrs Neelie KROES Commisioner for Competetion at the General Assembly of IFIEC Europe |
Gas & Electricity & Oil |
22/02/2007 |
Response to the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament - An Energy Policy for Europe Energy - General |
Gas & Electricity & Oil |
10/01/2007 |
IFIEC Europe welcomes the Commission's Energy Policy findings |
Gas & Electricity & Oil |
06/12/2006 |
Cross Border Framework for Transmission Network Infrastructure Consultation Electricity |
Electricity |
09/11/2006 |
Power failure - press release |
Electricity |
28/09/2006 |
Response to the Green Paper " An European Strategy for Sustainable,Competitive and Secure Energy |
Gas & Electricity & Oil |
23/02/2006 |
Implementation of the Electricity and Gas Directives – 2005 Report DG TREN by Ana Arana Antelo Events Third Energy Forum |
Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate |
23/02/2006 |
EU Climate Change Policy – Necessary Review of EU ETS by Annette Loske chairwoman WP Climate Change Events Third Energy Forum (23.02.06) |
Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate |
23/02/2006 |
Electricity Inquiry Main DG Competition conclusions by Jean-Paul Aghetti chairman WP Electricity Events Third Energy Forum |
Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate |
23/02/2006 |
Sector Inquiry on the gas and electricity markets DG COMP by Dominik Schnichels |
Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate |
23/02/2006 |
Last exit to get European Energy markets right by MEP Claude Turmes Events Third Energy Forum |
Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate |
23/02/2006 |
EC Sector Enquiry Preliminary Report Gas Markets by Jim Robertson chairman of the WP Oil & Gas Events Third Energy Forum |
Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate |
08/03/2005 |
Electricity Market Design – Recommendations for a better balance of market power |
Electricity |
29/09/2004 |
Electricity market design analysis |
Electricity |
25/03/2004 |
Joint Press Release IFIEC Europe Eurelectric " European Industry needs a coherent,stable and realistic Energy Policy " |
Electricity |
25/03/2004 |
Common Statement IFIEC Europe and Eurelectric " European Industry needs a coherent, stable and realistic Energy Policy " Electricity |
Electricity |
19/03/2003 |
Completing the Internal Electricity Market with respect to the Common Position adopted by the Council on 3 February 2003 concerning common rules for the Internal Electricity Market |
Electricity |
14/10/2002 |
A dynamic toolbox approach to cross-border capacity and congestion management ". |
Electricity |
12/07/2002 |
Cross-border allocation and congestion management - basic principles . |
Electricity |
25/01/2002 |
Commission proposal for regulation 2001/C240E/12 - " conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity -the view of the European industrial energy consumer |
Electricity |
15/10/2001 |
Completing the Internal Energy Market - The view of the European industrial energy consumers Other documents |
Electricity |
05/09/2001 |
European Strategy for Security of Energy Supply - the view of European industrial energy consumers |
Electricity |
15/02/2001 |
Towards efficient and non-discriminatory Congestion Management in Electricity Grids Electricity |
Electricity |
01/12/2000 |
Competition and Concentration of Power Generators - The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index " |
Electricity |
17/11/2000 |
Climate Policy, Competitiveness and the Industrial Energy Consumer |
Electricity |
11/09/2000 |
EC Public Hearing on the Liberalisation of the Internal Energy Market Sept 14, 2000 - Position Paper Electricity Market |
Electricity |
28/03/2000 |
IFIEC Europe Position on Pricing Principles |
Electricity |
02/12/1999 |
IFIEC Europe and the EU Energy Policy Other documents |
Electricity |
20/09/1999 |
IFIEC Europe Commentary on the 2nd Harmonisation Report as Issued by the Commission Electricity |
Electricity |
16/11/1998 |
Negotiated Agreements - the Industrial Response to Kyoto |
Electricity |
10/09/1998 |
Stranded Investments, Cost Recovery Mechanisms and Market Organisation Derogations Electricity |
Electricity |
15/05/1998 |
Principles of Regulation and Dispute Settlement Electricity |
Electricity |
01/12/1997 |
A Contribution to the Debate at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Environment |
Electricity |
21/10/1997 |
Transmission Criteria- Grid Management Principles & Use-of-System Charges |
Electricity |